NewBies is here, BAbies!!
OK.Untuk first posting je, ayat nye sudah emo.oh-pehlis.takde2.(never give you emotion a chance!)
emosi ni tade pape pun.hanyalah mainan hati dan perasaan yang poyo~ha..ha..ha..
Tapi..tapi..tapi.. memang tidak dapat dinafikan lah. Hidup ina ni tade lah indah mane pun. My Life is not just nothing. It is something. It is soo suck!(ergh!) Macam-macalah yang jadi lately.
Tapi..tapi..tapi..ape ada hal kan?ilek2 sudah. cukup2. ina tamoh cite pasal hidup.sebab, im a pessimist about my own life.So, bertambah tak indah lah nanti. Just go through your life, enjoy, have fun! And the very2 first step is to give ThisLife -A-Chance. That's your task for today ok!
This is just another blog of mine after "disposing" the old one(s). I dah ade teramat2 banyak sangat blog. Trust me! Well, I got a valid and conclusive reason to create this another blog. Simple: I just want to find Me. Mean it! Rasa macam tak betul sangat2 bila diri kite hilang daripada pandangan sendiri. Not to say that im unconscious, but maybe it is best to say-ina is semi unconscious-YEP! kadang2 ade, kadang2 tade.hehe.pelik tapi benar. Actually, I just aware that I've lost something in Me. Tu je. So, let's help me find it in Me..a replacement of Me..Then this life will really2 means to Me.
a bad intro huh?hahaha
first commenter.i am one of you most loyal follower.hee
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